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Authorities destroy 35 tons of expired medicine in E. Afghanistan

KHOST, Afghanistan, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) — Authorities have collected 35 tons of expired and low-quality medicine and food items from eastern Afghanistan’s Khost province over the past five months and set them on fire on Monday, provincial public health director Ahmad said Tuesday.
A supervising health team in Khost province occasionally visits the districts and inspects the drug stores and shops to check the quality of medicine and foodstuff, the official said, adding that poor-quality items would be collected.
No one would be allowed to sell expired and poor-quality medicine or food items, the official asserted, warning legal action would be taken against anyone who violates the law.
Afghan authorities in the past months also alighted expired drugs and food items in the capital city of Kabul, southern Kandahar city, and other parts of the war-ravaged country. ■
